We have the following case on one of our customer (V15.1HF10) :
The dispatcher has his node security set only to “Paris” region. The dispatcher should be able to dispatch some calls to a tech called “TECHA” which belong to an other Node “Rouen” Because this Tech can work in Rouen or Paris Area. THis tech has a shared schedule done by a dispatcher from Paris’ node and a dispatcher from Rouen’s node.
What we have setup : we have added to TECHA in employe / action group menu a PARIS action Group which belong to Paris Node.
By Doing this when the dispatcher ,which can only access to Paris node ,opens the dispatch console by action group and we choose Paris Action group he is able to see TECHA and only service order asisgned to Paris node , then we are able to assigned calls to TECHA but not to allocate them
Could you tell me if this scenario is correct / supported ? we don’t want to give the Dispatcher access to node Rouen because we don’t want the dispatcher sees calls or data from this node, he can only schedule calls for TECHA for some Paris call
Thanks fo ryour feedback