Version 15.1
For a customer we need to use the following Charge windows
- Mo to fr 06:00 Till 19:00 Regular Time Fix price Activity
- Mo to fr 19:00 Till 24:00 Fix price Activity + 50%
- Mo to fr 00:00 Till 06:00 Fix price Activity + 100%
- Saterday 06:00 Till 24:00 Fix Price Activity + 50%
- Sunday and hollidays 00:00 Till 24:00 Fix price Activity + 100%
I added the activity to Activities Add-On Tab in Pricing Rule. The duration of this activity is 2 hours with a fixed price.
I set the fixed price in Charge Windows
Now i want to achieve the following
- We have multi Activities with different fixed prices, in Charge window you can only fill in 1 Fixe prices for all activities.
Is there a way to set charge windows with multi activities with different fixed prices in 1 contract or is this only possible with 2 contract for the same customer?
2. When a activity starts in 1 charge window and ends in the 2nd charge window, it wil calculate as follow Total Price €648,60
I was hoping that it wil calculate the total duration and calculated the right price like this:
432,40/ 2 (total duration) = 216,20 (for the first hour in charge window)
216,20/ 2 (total duration) = 108,10 (for the second hour in charge window)
Total Price should be: 216,20 + 108,10 = € 324,30
If the activities start time and completion time both falling in 1 charge window it calculate the right price o fcourse.
So basicly the question is, is there a way to calculate the right price of a activity with a fixed price and with a duration of 2 hours thats is spread over 2 charge windows?