Hello Team,
In Astea Alliance 14 - UAT Environment - We made a customization on Service Order History Module (c_order_line). We added a field called cst_ref → referring to the ref.no field in Service Order Module (order_line). Later we found that there is already a reference to ref.no field in SV history. Hence, we don’t need this customization, so deleted it.
Unfortunately, the new field cst_ref was not removed from c_order_line table and was causing issues in invoicing. As now order_line and c_order_line is not idnetical in terms of columns.
So, we reached out to IFS via support portal, and they asked us to drop the column using alter query and we did.
Now the table is back to normal, but still the application cannot open anything related to SV history module. In event log we found that the application uses SELECT query in which it explicitly asks for cst_ref column (which is now removed), hence getting error.
How to make application not use this column anymore?
Need suggestion on this.