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Is it possible to undo a receiving in Alliance V15 once the Receiving has been accepted or status is set to Accepted?

For example, a receiving or ARN is created for a Purchase Requisition - the option to include all product lines has been selected and the default Qty received is set to the Expected Qty (10).

The user then receives / accepts 10 and saves the receiving document but only 9 physical units have been received and not 10.

I.e. the person processing should entered 9 and not accepted the default 10. Cant this be undone?



Hi Shane,


I am afraid the answer is no.

Once the receiving has been accepted, it cannot be rollback.




Agree with Joshua, there is no specific functionality to reverse a receiving.

However, if you only want to adjust the inventory on the receiving warehouse, you can do a manual adjustment to modify the qty in this case as it is not a serialized item.  This will not reverse the financials linked to the PR, only the inventory quantity.



Thanks guys,  the manual adjustment is the process that we’re currently following but then it becomes quite a manual task of lettting accounts payable know the discrepancy and tracking through to when the physical inventory arrives and then finally Misc. Receiving and Three Way Matching. Would be good feature to be able to undo.
