When user exit order bij clicking cross on tab, the order is still locked in the ap_lock table with that user.
When user exit order bij clicking search the order is unlocked and is deleted from ap_lock table.
The experience is that the user exit orders most of the time with the cross instead of clicking search.
We use ap_lock table in process flows to update orders on the background if order is not locked by user.
Also we use ap_lock table to devine if order is open by a current user.
I don’t know if this is a bug or just not implemented, is it possible to delete the order from ap_lock table so the order is unlocked, when clicking the cross.
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Hello Robin,
I am looking into this for you now but in general, if there is a record still in the ap_lock table after exiting the record, this is problematical. The question is why is there still a record row in the table when you are not using the document record (say customer support order) any longer.
One thing, to confirm is your users are using MS Edge only and not say Vivaldi which we found had some issues like this in the past?
Hi Phil,
Correct we using MS Edge and it also happens in Chrome.
We don't use Vivaldi anymore.
Hi Robin,
I just tested this in our QA environment for your company using the following query:
SELECT ap_user_login, ap_session_id, ap_table_key, ap_table_name, in_process FROM ap_lock with(nolock) WHERE ap_user_login = <user_id>;
After opening the customer support record, the entry shown in the ap_lock table was:
After clicking the X on the tab, the results of the same query was:
This indicates the row is removed from the ap_lock table when clicking the X on the module tab so the requested function already exists.
I would imagine perhaps that your system might not have executed/committed the DB transaction immediately if it is very busy but it should delete this row from the ap_lock table.
mmm ok, i still have rows from yesterday in ap_lock, this user is not working today and i know he exit the orders by clicking X in MS Edge.
Hi Robin,
I don’t think this is a question we are going to solve via Community. Looking at your last screen shot, you have two sessions open for the same user though only one was linked to the ap_session_id in the ap_lock table.
Testing a scenario where I exited the browser by just closing it instead of logging out, I found the record remains in the ap_session_log for the if the user just closes the browser without logging out. I believe this is something your user did based on the screen shot. (If I log out, the ap_session_log row is moved to history)
Those ap_session_log record should move to the c_session_log table at some point based on the timers setup for the sessions in the configuration editor. Why this did not since yesterday, I am not sure but also do not know what your configuration is in the global.xml for the timers.
In any case, the application does remove the ap_lock when clicking the X on the tab in normal circumstances and also does remove the ap_lock when just closing the browser though leaving the session information still in the ap_session_log table.
Why the ap_lock was still present is not clear but it is not a general application ‘bug’ based on our testing here.
Thank you Phil,
Apart from the fact the user is not logging out propperly, i have the same behavior when exit a order with X on our UAT enviroment, UAT is not as bussy as our PROD.
Is it possible that the customization can be a problem with this? I don't want to delete the customization at this moment, but that is somthing i can test later.
Hi Robin,
To close this topic… the Customizer customizations are not impacting this situation and have already been ruled out.
However, we feel the issue only happens when you are going through your ARR for load balancing as when you go directly to the application server like I did, it works as intended. You have also confirmed this to be the case already.