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In astea v15.3.0.4 we have for each employee a default return warehouse.

If a field engineer uses material on mobile he sends the returned material to his default return warehouse, this warehouse is automically selected.

We have a field team in 2 countries, an for each country we have a Workshop warehouse.

In the return process on mobile a repair order for the returned material is created.

In Workflow (Repair) we can only define 1 default action group, so all repair orders end up in the same action group, but in operations we need 2 action groups, 1 per country as each country has his own workshop warehouse.

Is there a possibility to configure a different action group for repair orders depending on the return warehouse or on the employee or node ?

Hi Piet,

No, this is not possible.  The workflow (repair) would require a customization to implement such conditions.  I believe this also to be a custom change request and I would do this based on the employee or their action group as I thought Centric was using a single node per country.  Of course you can redefine your node structures but this still would not modify the default action group.

What you could perhaps consider doing is to create a process flow to be triggered when the repair order is generated and evaluate the criteria there to select the action group you want to populate.


Ok, I raised the question to avoid overruling a functionallity. i’ll check to creat a process flow to fill the action group in the repair order, depending on the Warehouse where the item is sent to

