
IFS Credit Card Interface - Credit card payment & refund

Userlevel 6
Badge +10



We are currently testing the IFS Credit Card Interface. The user guide relating to APP9 is available with us. However, we would like to understand further about the interface. Therefore, could you please share any document/information relating to following areas?

  1. Document/information relating to handling ‘credit card payment’ window & ‘credit card refund’ window.


  1. Document/information relating to changes happened to the interface in later versions (from APPs 10 onwards)?


Thank you in advance for your support. 



3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

@Sugandi Nadeeshika The Credit Card Interface is available in IFS Cloud and is still developed by IFS NA.  The documentation itself was updated for Cloud, but minimally.  The general form and function remains the same.  

The customer must still have a PayPal manager or Cybersource account to handle the actual processing.  

Badge +1

Hello IFS Communauty,

can you share (please) any informations you would have on IFS CC interface for Apps10 ?

many thanks :-)



Userlevel 6
Badge +10

Hi @astfarazt ,


Thank you for your reply. Do you have the document updated for cloud with you? Or are you aware of any other place where we could access this document?


Best Regards

