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Hi Guys,

I have the following table structure on the request screen.

There’s a parent-child relationship between order lines and claims. These two custom tables are connected as follows,

I can add/edit records to the claims section without an issue.

Now, I need to add the claims table (c_po_line_claims) under the tasks tab of the same request screen. But this time the connection is made via different fields.

For this I created an alias of the c_po_line_claims table and made the connection as following.


The data is filtered correctly. But when I try to update a record (ex: change the amount and save), I get the following error.

It’s trying to run an update on the alias table, which is not an actual table in the database. Hence the error.
I guess I’m missing something trivial. Any clues?

Hi @mmalek ,

I suggest you to take a look at the UI designer level configurations made at the baseline TASK screen for TASK_STEPS tab. There, they have used the task_steps_attachment table with an attachment alias table. Even though they have used the alias table for the field references, the main table_ref is the task_steps_attachment table. Could you check whether the new button is linked to your original table and also the list list view configuration for task list view as well? Otherwise, this could be a potential bug as you have mentioned for the custom table alias.

Yeah, I’m starting to think this is a bug 😪

A workaround I used is to override the save event via a client script and save it to the correct table.




This is the hierarchy

These are the connections,

between request and order
between order and order line


between order lines and claims


Just sharing that We've encountered a similar issue.  I did not find a resolution (yet)


The problem seems to be specific to aliases created from custom tables.

In our experience, when we attempted to join the same table twice to a screen, it gave us the error when using Custom table aliases, but it works perfectly when using Baseline table aliases. 



Tab 1: Utilized the Custom Table directly
Tab 2: Utilized an Alias of the Custom Table

In our setup, the first tab functioned correctly, but the 2nd tab would indeed error when trying to update.


When using baseline tables (like non_part_usage), we've been able to employ several aliases without encountering update issues.




Hi @mmalek ,

Could you share all the defined relationships from the REQUEST to CLAIMS (on the UI designer child list editor)?
