
Safety Stock & Min Lot Size update

  • 3 April 2024
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

one of our users has reported that he’s noticed the Safety Stock and Min Lot Size fields being updated unexpectedly.  He’s noticed that these fields get changed to 0 and is not sure why this is happening.  He’s asked his staff if anyone is changing the values but no one is.   Is there a process that may be updating these fields that we’re not aware of?

This is a snipit of the screen from Production with the values set to 0

Here is a snipi from a non prod environment that was a refresh of Production February 4.


Any suggestions as to what could be updating these fields or where to look would be greatly appreciated. 

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

@smelanson one option would be to remove access to this function from the permission sets. This way the users will not be able to run it. Since this job will run online, it’s quite difficult to say who ran the job.

Another option would be to enable history log for these 2 fields. That way the name of the person that ran the job to update the fields will appear in the history log.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Thank you for the information….since this is happening and has a negative effect, we don’t know who is running the Calculate Planning Data task.  It’s not scheduled and the users at the site are saying they’re not running it.  

Is there another task that could be running that could result in the values getting changed to 0.  



Userlevel 7
Badge +17

@matt.watters the post that @mmoss referenced shows the job that can be run from an assistant: Calculate Planning Data.


If you wanna create a schedule for it, you can create a DB Task using method Inventory_Part_Api.Recalc_Stockfactors


I hope this helps!

Userlevel 6
Badge +20

Auto update Planning Method and Safety Check box is switched on in your sample record. You may want to switch it off. Also, there is a scheduled job which looks at these parts and update the value on several parameters.

@malik.sally is this a standard task that I can configure to run monthly? If so, what is the Task Name as I cannot find one.

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Auto update Planning Method and Safety Check box is switched on in your sample record. You may want to switch it off. Also, there is a scheduled job which looks at these parts and update the value on several parameters.

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

This thread will probably help
