
Migration job with ATTR_

  • 2 July 2020
  • 2 replies

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I’m trying to do a migration in IFS 10.7, where I need the migration to start lead time calculation with Routing_Head_Leadtime_API.Modify_Manuf_Leadtime
This method only has one attribute called ATTR_
With help of debug console I can see that IFS runs this code:

   -- p0 -> i_hWndFrame.dlgManufLeadTimeCalc.lsTempAttr
   p0_ VARCHAR2(32000) := 'CONTRACT'||chr(31)||'ÅSEDA'||chr(30)||'PART_NO'||chr(31)||'377081-10002'||chr(30)||'LEADTIME_BASIS'||chr(31)||'3'||chr(30)||'BATCH_FLAG'||chr(31)||'N'||chr(30)||'DAILY_CAPACITY'||chr(31)||'AVERAGE'||chr(30)||'NO_ROUTING_OPTION'||chr(31)||'UNMODIFIED'||chr(30)||'ROUTING_REVISION'||chr(31)||'1'||chr(30)||'BOM_TYPE'||chr(31)||'Manufacturing'||chr(30)||'ALTERNATIVE_NO'||chr(31)||'*'||chr(30)||'ORDER_SIZE'||chr(31)||'4580'||chr(30)||'UPDATE_LEAD_TIME'||chr(31)||'Update also expected'||chr(30);

IFSAPP.Routing_Head_Leadtime_API.Modify_Manuf_Leadtime (p0_ );

   ---Dbms_Output Section---
   Dbms_Output.Put_Line('p0_ -> i_hWndFrame.dlgManufLeadTimeCalc.lsTempAttr');


To be able to use it I must of course change part_no and lot size according to my parts in the migration job.
But how do I create an attribute string in the migration job?

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi @TomasLord ,

I can see 2 different solutions to this, if you have PL/SQL skills in house then create a custom procedure based on the PL/SQL BLOCK in your question.

Create IN parameters for each of the attributes in that ATTR_ string and then rebuild the ATTR_ string using CLIENT_SYS.Add_To_Attr(‘COL_NAME’, ‘COL_VAL’, ‘ATTR_STR_NAME’); function..

Then use this new procedure in the DM job.


Add the attributes to the Method List Attribute screen as below:

Enter ATTR_ as a Fixed Value where Column Name = ATTR_.

When you Refresh the Source Mapping Tab you should see the added Method List Attributes. Complete this form as per normal leaving Source Column/Default Value blank for METHOD10.ATTR_.

My personal choice would be the PL/SQL option but the second option should work as well (I have not tested it myself).

Good Luck.


Badge +1

Did the solution #2 work, @TomasLord ?
