Q&A Discussion of IFS Solutions for our IFS Employees, Partners and Customers
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Have you come across this error?Sorry, there was an unexpected server error Have you come across above generic error? If so how have your resolved it or is it still occurring intermittently? Let us know in the comments 😊 Note: This is a generic error message to which the cause could be in different product areas for which you need to analyze with further details. But here we want to understand how many of you faced it, resolved it or still undergoing with this error popup message. Related error messages: Database error occurred. Contact administrator. Url: Related KB Articles:
Cloud 24R1 : We would like to export/ import multiple user profiles in one action. When I select two user profiles I do not have the option to export both profiles into one export file?!Anyone in the community knows how I can export/ import multiple USER profiles in one go?
Hi Team,We are looking for an option to disable the “Include Contracts” option in the Billing Generation Screen. Is there any option for achieving the same.
Currently we have Azure AD set up as the identity provider. Are we able to configure a second identity provider to work simultaneously for Apps 10?Product Version: UPD16
Scheduling Demystified has been updated to 24R2. As usual, headlines are tagged with “24R2🌟” for new capabilities, “24R2 ↗” for improved features, and “🖊” for new chapters on existing functionality. Newcomers will find many new conceptual explanations and How-To’s.If you find this document helpful, please consider leaving a 👍 LIKE. And ⭐ SUBSCRIBE to get updates.232 pages cover:Preamble: Direct Assignment vs. Dispatch Console vs. PSO Work Order Management vs. Request Management Modelling Dataset vs. Scheduling Dataset Scheduling Dataset Parallel Background Processing Modelling Dataset and Basic Data Scheduling Optimization Dataset Scheduling Exceptions Communication between MWO, Dispatch Console and PSO Shift Templates The Supply Side of Scheduling: Resources Skill Management The Demand Side of Scheduling: Tasks Availability Patterns Appointment Booking Dispatch Console Direct Assignment Resource Management Integration APIs Appointment Booking Integration API Troubleshooting Don’t f
You can ask anything you wonder about IFS 10 Lobby. I can answer any questions you may have about IFS 10 LOBBY. Element design, data design, where patterns, references, page creation, authorization, etc. I would be happy to help.
Deprecation of the FTP and Shared repository types in Docman in 23R2 - a heads-up This post is only relevant for Remote customer installations. For managed cloud customers, FTP and Shared document repositories are NOT supported. This is a heads-up on IFS deprecating support for the FTP and Shared repository types in Docman in IFS Cloud 23R2, for complete removal in 24R1.If you have customers using these two repository types today, you should plan for migrating to Database or File Storage.If you are planning to implement this in Remote Deployment in IFS Cloud right now, you should reconsider, and use File Storage or Database.In Remote deployment, File Storage will still have support for local/external storage (outside the database) by supporting SMB/network shares. BACKGROUND Back in the day, Docman started out with support for "external" file storage via our support for FTP and Shared (folders) as the only repository types. Later, Database storage was added upon request from customers.
Hi Community,Our customer need to connect ESRI Arcgis with IFS 21R2 (Manager Cloud).Do you have informations about how to do technical connection between IFS and ESRI ?Do you have informations about functionnalities ?Do we need specifics ESRI version ? Best Regards,Christophe