Q&A Forum for IFS assyst Customers, Partners, and Employees
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Hi,I cannot find information regarding the possibility to change lane to a ticket through assystREST/assystETM.my idea is a lane “waiting manager approval” and automate the move to next lane when the approval task is closed.has anyone explored a similar scenario?thanks
Has anyone been able to customize the output of the $EVENT_DESC ? I’m trying to make the emails look nicer with HTML formatting but when I add the event descriptions, it shows like this:No description entered. See Additional Information. <==# ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (DO NOT EDIT) #= ** Area Office Corner Brook, NL ** Your position: *whatever chosen* Please indicate your position title [empty] ** File or Notebook number(only if required): test ** File or Notebook number (only if required): [empty] ** Have you attempted to answer this inquiry using all available resources? (VSTM, STEO, VS Toolbox, other internal resource person, etc.) No ** Urgent? No ** Are you requesting an Urgent Mental Health Consultation? [empty] ** Please provide rationale for urgent request: [empty] ** Comments testing html email template #==> I’d like to possibly add it in list or at least one line per question as well as not show the questions empty questions, only show the questions chosen/answered. Using
I’m using ETM1.7 and am trying to debug a data mapper that was created previously. One of the Search criteria used on a Variable assyst search on an Event has “disableExpetionOnMaxRecords” set to ‘true’.I searched the wiki but am unable to find any info on this.Does anyone have any insight as to what this is used for?
Hi everyone, I am setting a datamapper in AssystETM to create an event based on the import of a mail.I set the datamapper and I can create the event without particular problems with the “standard” values of an event (affected user, mail, item, etc.).Now, I would like to also track the To and CC fields of the mail I’m importing; the final result I wish to achieve is to have all these fields and to be able to insert them in an action template that I can use, for example, with a mail to customer action.For that scope, i will need to create at least 3 substitution keywords to be used (one for the To filed, one for Cc and one that combines them).I was already able to create a variable in my datamapper to extract the required fields, but now I am struggling creating the keywords.I started creating a variable in my datamapper, but I can’t find any information regarding using datamapper variables as substitution keyword. Do you know if that is possible?I’d like to use variables if I am capable
Apologies if this already exists, but I can’t find it in the Wiki, at least for the Assyst version we are on.Can we add a column to the Knowledge Search results table showing whether the KP is available to contact users? If I’m doing a KP search and find a KP I want to send to my user, I need to know if the KP is available to Contact Users before I send it to the user. The only way I can tell if the KP is available to contact users is to select the KP, go in to Manage/Edit the KP then look for the check in the Available to Contact Users checkbox. This is a waste of time. Can we not just add that as a column in the results table here: It would also be helpful to show that in the header area in the KP view as well:
Has anyone had issues re-installing assyst following the change of their SQL admin details? We have recently changed ours and are having issues following the install. The only thing that has changed is the password to connect to the database, during the install a Test Connection succeeds. Upon starting the assyst service the assystEAR file failed in the deployments folder. We are getting logs on the SQL server that a connection is failing due to Password not matching, reverting the password and reinstalling assyst against the previous details works. has anyone got any ideas? Is the previous password getting cached anywhere?
I’m rather new to the use of assystREST API, and I do apologize if this is blindingly obvious. I’ve tried using the Assyst wiki assystREST_More_Examples article as a guide, but I’ve come up short. Is it possible to get all attachments from an event using a single rest query?When using the query below the “Event attachments” are returned, however none of the “Action Attachments” are part of this response. GET http://:/assystREST/v2/events/[eventId]/attachments I have attempted using the actions endpoint, however that does not return any of the “Event Attachments”, and this returns all the actions, not just the attachments. GET http://:/assystREST/v2/actions?eventId=[eventId]&fields=attachments I’ve so far thus been unable to get a single request response, and i’m unsure as how to structure more advanced queries. In the same line of inquiry, I’ve been trying to lookup get all open events that are within a certain siteArea. This is trivial using the assyst GUI, however using REST I
What does the assystadmin.war do? How can I access it?
Hi all,We are attempting to host the IFS Assyst server locally using JBOSS EAP.After completing the installation process, we started both the Windows service and the server.However, when we try to access the server through localhost, we encounter an application error:Error: "The requested resource could not be found, e.g., incorrect URL specified."Installed applications and versions:jboss-eap-7.4.0 assyst Web 11.5.2 Build 12554 JDK 8Does anyone know the possible cause of this error and how to resolve it? Thanks.
I'm having some issues trying to understand how to use Model item during item creation. Are there extra steps that must be performed for it to take effect? Are there any limitations as to how items are created when the model item is acctualy used? Assyst GUI, Assyst REST API, Assyst ETM? I'm currently using assyst 11.8.3, but am also interested to know if there are changes in this area in 24R2.
We would like some functionality that shows an overview of which Knowledge Articles are connected to any specific Item. This would improve the efficacy and efficiency of our Support desk, as they could easily view all Knowledge Articles of an Item, which a user is reporting an issue or question on. This could for example be an extension in the Impact Explorer, or built upon the same logic and GUI.
Hello,I’m interested in starting a conversation regarding how version control in ETM is/has been approached by both IFS and customers using assystETM.My intention is to broaden our understanding of how this issue has been approached by different users of assystETM, promote the sharing of community knowledge to use in our own organizations, and uncover or highlight areas where the tool is causing issues, thus promoting better ideas to IFS for improvement.To help start the conversation and identify different viewpoints, I’ve prepared some questions to establish common ground.General Questions:What needs does your organization have regarding version control of ETM channels and data mappers? How have you gone about implementing a solution that works for you? Did you find a way to implement the solution you envisioned? Were there specific features that you felt were missing? During or after implementation, did you identify any issues you were unable to work around? Did you uncover pitfalls
Hi everyone, I have a channel with different datamappers, the main goal of the channel is to monitor a mail address and when a mail arrives it creates a new event or an action on an existing event, based on the content of the mail’s subject. The firs mapper if to set the variables, the second to create an event, the third to create an action and the last two manage the attachments for these situations. Recently the incident IDs and the request IDs are coming closer, and now I have some trouble with one of my datamappers.This particular datamapper is activate when an event id already exists and try to insert a new action in the event itself. However, if it tries to write a new action on an incident and there is a request with the same id, the import failed with the following error: Trying to debug a random import, i get this situation in my event fieldBasically, it finds two events with the same numbers (but registered with different CSGs), although one is a request with the prefix R a
What is the draw to implement notifier rules via assyst inerface for managing email templates and rules vs the existing smartmail configuration a user might have in tandem with AP rules, etc?Is this considered Smartmail 2.0 in a more formal sense with the update?Trying to come up with some pros/cons to moving to this method if it reduces needs for managing in multiple places on integration server vs in UI, etc.Thanks,Mitch
Hey All,We do a good job having our software as items in our CMDB. We also have our printers and computers in as assyst CMDB also. On the hardware printer items in CMDB were store the print queues for printers in config characteristics. The problem is you cannot search for the serial no in the characteristic. We are going to be moving our printer queues as separate items with relations to the hardware. That’s easy. We want to also relate the print queue to the software it is used by.Question. What do people do when relating it to the software?The two scenarios we came up with were:relating all print queues directly to the Software item. creating another item called “<Software Name> Print Service”, adding relation for this item to the software, and relating all print queues to the “<Software Name> Print Services” item.Technically the majority of these software are running a service for printing but its creating new items to track “services” or “sub programs” to the main soft
How to remove Support tab - menu options (left-hand side) for ALL USERS. We are using assyst 11.5
I’m having some issues in regards as to how to approach handling pagination when creating a channel and accompanying datamappers.The issue I’m trying to solve is trying to set up a channel that queries a MDM device portal and is to act as a sort of CMDB gateway for our phones. However, the MDM portal (Workspace ONE UEM API) pagination is hard set to a max value of 500, and I need to check for updates on a total of ~ 12000 devices. The version of the API I‘m currently integrating with only has GET requests available, and using the regular HTTPS channel and datamapper I’m unsure of how to iterate through the pages of the response. The endpoint URL is https://….net/API/mdm/devices/searchThe page number is returned in the last section of the JSON response:…"page": 1,"page_size":500,"total": 10}However, I’m usure of how to use this part of the response to get the next page when using a HTTPS channel. To get the phones created as items I’ve performed a manual workaround by updating the cha