
Is it possible to stop double demand when Supply Code is Shop Order?

  • 13 January 2020
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2
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We have a scenario which requires to enter a forecast for a part but want to generate demand/supply for its components as well. We also need to consume the forecast for the parent part. The problem is that the current business process calls for all customer orders to have supply code as Shop Order, therefore we will be generating double demand.

This works fine if we change the supply code to Invent Order in the Customer Order. Any idea on how to do this without changing the forecast or the supply code?




Best answer by ChamilaW 14 January 2020, 06:27

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Userlevel 3
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You can try setting MS Level 1 Part as, Create S/P request = Do Not Create S/P Req. This will allow the forecast consumption without creating shop orders/requisitions
For components, Run MRP to get the component supplies created 


When CO is not released,

Forecast is consumed. No shop order created. After MRP run, component supplies are created for MS Supplies.


When CO is released

Forecast is consumed. Shop Order Created as CO is released. MRP creates component supplies against the shop order and MS Child. 


Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Thanks for the answer!
